This convergence of Winter Solstice, Full Moon, and Lunar Eclipse is a powerful time for creating the world we want. The energy around solstices and equinoxes is always potent for about three days before and three days after the calendar moment itself. The Winter Solstice celebrates that moment in Earth’s orbit when greatest darkness of the year is over and the light is starting to return—a time to seed the incoming light with our highest intention for ourselves, our species, and our planet.
The full moon and eclipse add even more creative energy to the 3D field that we experience and participate in. It’s my understanding that during a lunar eclipse, as Earth’s shadow covers the moon, our moon-driven, reflective, subconscious dumps all its previous programming and comes out the other side of the eclipse as a clean disk, cosmically formatted and ready to be reprogrammed. Consciously. Intentionally. By you and me.
In addition to the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy (previous post), Jamie Sams also presents the Cradleboard Prophecy, in which she says, “Those who cannot accept the new Cradleboard of Creation will be removed to the body-double of the Earth Mother, which will house the memory of the devastation of her scarred and abused body.” When I first read that, in the early 1990’s, it didn’t make any sense to me. How could there be a body-double of Earth? That just didn’t fit into my understanding at the time.
Then I read some channeled teachings saying that the earth would “split” into two Earths, one housing those who were into peace and the other housing those who were into war. Hmm-m-m. Interesting concept, but still beyond what I could honestly believe.
Years later I learned that there are quantum physicists who theorize that this quantum field that we live in is like a great ocean of conscious energy, with areas of “quantum foam” or bubbles of energy called “probable worlds” (PrahBubbles in Symbolia). It seems that what we experience as third-dimensional reality is simply the most probable—the most likely to happen--of the probable worlds in the surrounding quantum foam. And the degree of probability is dictated by the frequency and amplitude of human consciousness—the wavelengths and emotional intensity of our thoughts. That means that if enough of us feel strongly enough about creating a new probable world that we agree on, and focus out intentions and efforts on that new PrahBubble, we can energize it to manifest in our lives. We don’t have to worry or even think about how it’s going to manifest. The Field of Oneness will take care of that. All we have to do is energize what we want and become the world we want to live in.
I use this understanding in my daily life. Most mornings I sit quietly for a few minutes and tune my consciousness in to the Great Ocean of Awareness. When I’m in that expanded space of unity with all life I say, silently, “I now step into the PrahBubble world where everything in my life goes smoothly and gently and playfully today, for my highest good and for the highest good of all life everywhere. Thank you. I know this can happen.” If I’m having a problem, I get more specific. Then I forget about it and go on with my day.
And miracles happen. Circumstances in my life shuffle themselves around in ways I couldn’t even have imagined to bring about exactly what I intended. (Sometimes I get caught up in the daily swirl and forget to start the day by choosing the PrahBubble I want to step into. Those days don’t go so well until I remember to tune in and drop my intentions into the Cosmic Ocean.)
So let’s use this magnificent window of opportunity to co-create the world we want to live in. Let’s see if e can connect the InnerNet via the internet, and have a virtual Ritual of Evolving Light. Right here, right now.
Imagine us sitting in a Circle, in the darkness, but around a small fire. A tree branch is being passed from person to person around the circle. The branch has many smaller branches or twigs growing out of it, and it is being used in this ritual as a Talking Stick. As each of us in turn holds the Talking Stick, we tell the group about our Heart Dream—our vision for the world we want to create and inhabit. The rest of the Circle listens intently. When each of us finishes telling our Heart Dream, we break off one of the twiggy branches on the Talking Stick and toss it onto the small central fire. Others in the Circle shout or murmur their agreement and the fire blazes up with this new Heart-Dream fuel. In this way our Circle of Awareness adds its energy to the New PrahBubble, and the Talking Stick is passed to the next person.
You are sitting in the Circle. The Talking Stick (comment space) is now being passed to you. It’s your turn to tell us your Heart Dream and add your fuel to our InnerNet Fire of Creation. What is your vision for a New PrahBubble world and your personal role in it?
Happy Return of the Light! Peace on Earth. Good will to All.