[continuing from God’s Land Part 1]
Gentle learned to walk at Wheeler’s Ranch. I remember her taking her first tentative steps on our uneven, grassy, floor of our tent home, and how frustrating it was for her. But she had a god sense of humor, and we laughed a lot.
Todd was thriving on the freedom at Wheeler’s. He loved back with his pals Josh and Ellie again, and in the country, where he could roam the land to his heart’s content.
These were the early days at Wheeler’s Ranch, and other than tolerating each others’ trips, and individual acts of sharing, there wasn’t much community happening there. There was a community garden. Only a few people worked in it, but many wanted to eat out of it, including people who just came to visit and didn’t even live there. There were no agreements about who could harvest the veggies – everyone just took what they wanted. Often those who had worked hardest in the garden all season didn’t get much of the produce. (I later learned that making strong agreements as a group is a real necessity for community living. But none of us knew that then. We were the pioneers, blazing the trail and making plenty of mistakes along the way.)